Decorating Details At The 2013 SF Decorator Showcase

Yesterday, I had the chance to visit the 2013 San Francisco Decorator Showcase home which was just breathtaking.  While each room was unique in its composition, details of texture, pattern and color were fluidly played out in each individual space.   The combinations of patterns in wall coverings, textiles and tiles gave each room its own textural depth, making the tour not only a visual experience but a sensory one as well.  Take a look at several of my favorite images which highlight the mix of materials that made this year's Showcase Home a standout.

Many thanks to CC for hosting an unforgettable afternoon.

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Debra Cass Szidon

Lover of layered neutrals, mixed patterns, contrasting textures and all things botanical. My creative energies pull me in many different directions but I’m most grounded as an interior decorator, handbag designer and mother. Cocoon Home blog is where I share my reflections on family, work and my creative journey.

The Cass Clutch

A Modern Handbag

Designed And Made In California

All content and images are property of Cocoon Home unless otherwise noted. You are welcome to use images from the blog for noncommercial use, but please credit appropriately.

Remodeling and Home Design
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