At Home: debra szidon At Home: debra szidon

At Home: Books, Textiles And Botanicals

Yesterday I decided to take some photos of the house after being away for the long weekend. Settling back in felt so good, that it prompted me to capture the "home sweet home" feeling through my lens.  This made me realize how this house gradually evolved into a home since we moved into it over three years ago.  As our essential furniture pieces remained the same, the smaller items, those that give our spaces their personality, have continually changed.  Pillows and art have been added and also moved around the house.  There's never a shortage of new plants, fresh botanicals, repurposed accessories and an array of current books and magazines.  It's uniquely our space and we are very grateful for it.  

Take a look: 

The Kilim pillows are from Yayla Rugs in Cambridge, Ma., while the textile that drapes over our sectional is from the Alameda Antique Market in the East Bay.

Our once yellow womb chair from Reside (Cambridge, Ma) was reupholstered in a vintage Knoll fabric in a tone very similar to our mid-century brick color.

Stacks of magazines, some old, some new, next to favorite design books offer inspiration as well as pleasurable reading. 

The bell garland is from Anthropologie (from years back) and the brass candlesticks are from Rare Heir, an antique shop in Oakland, Ca.

Foraged Acacia branches are displayed in a vessel found in a thrift store alongside a Heath Ceramics bud vase, a gnarled root and a wooden candlestick also found in a vintage store. 

This area of the kitchen was designed to display interesting/meaningful items and botanicals.  Since it's where we spend most of our time, I really wanted a designated spot for pretty and inspiring things.  The black and gold box is from West Elm, the Kwan Yin statuettes from Sugi in Lafayette, Ca., the wooden salt bowl is from Terrain and the vintage glass is from a recent visit to the Alameda Antique Market.

The large stripped pillow is from Garza Marfa while the smaller is one from One Kings Lane.  The metal table bases were found during a trip to Maine.  We added glass tops and spray painted them cobalt blue to be used as night tables in our previous home. In our current "project room" they happen to work perfectly with the rug from Yayla Tribal Rugs and the Peruvian blanket from the Marisa Mason studio in Oakland, Ca.  

What things do you love about your space and where did you find them?  Do share!

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Floors debra szidon Floors debra szidon

Round Rugs: We've Got You Covered

Lately, I've been loving the look of round rugs.  Whether big or small, patterned or solid color, their unconventional shape can offset the angles of a room and add focal interest to it.  Although they may not be right for all spaces, they can make smaller ones look larger and balance even the most refined ones.  Take a look at their softening effect on the rooms below: 



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The Way We Live debra szidon The Way We Live debra szidon

The Way We Live: A Textile Designer's Home

Recently, I had the pleasure of visiting textile designer Jennifer Sampou at her residence and studio.  While chatting about her work, family and artistry, I captured images of my favorite home to be featured thus far. 

Jennifer is solely responsible for every design detail of her family’s amazing space.  An eclectic mix of rustic elegance, modern flair and classic touches make this home a true reflection of her distinct personal style.  You can witness firsthand the inspiration for her innate talent to create patterns and color combinations for her fabric lines as you walk through this beautiful space.  Carefully [albeit naturally], created vignettes, selected rugs and art speak to her love of travel, grounded in family and friends.

This home is abundant in warmth and focused on comfort, I could personally chill in it for hours.  So, my advice to you is:  sit back, take it all in and stay tuned for part 2 of this “The Way We Live.” 

door psd.jpg

Jennifer, thank you for allowing me the opportunity to feature your home on Cocoon Home Blog.  You’ve created a masterpiece.

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Fabric, Textiles dszidon Fabric, Textiles dszidon

Peruvian Blankets

IMG_2879 Some time ago, Alex and I bought a Peruvian Blanket for our project room and ever since I've been tempted to purchase another one.  The collection that Marisa Haskell displays in her Temescal Alley  jewelry studio is sheer eye candy for lovers of color and pattern.  The blankets are weighty and drape easily over a sofa or chair to add a pop of color and a touch of fun to any space.  We haven't bought our second one yet, but I'm constantly tempted by Marisa's ever changing stock of them.  Take a look: chair psd



BTW, her jewelry is also high on my wish list.  So far, I own two pieces!

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Bedrooms, Before and After dszidon Bedrooms, Before and After dszidon

Master Bedroom Update: Before And After

Recently, Alex and the kids surprised me with the Society pillowcases I've been obsessing over.  Now that the bed is fully dressed again, it became clear why.  Their color and pattern perfectly balance the texture and tone of the brick wall behind our bed.  Mixing high and low ends of the spectrum, sheets from Ikea and a linen duvet from Coyuchi completed the new look.  I also replaced the chrome based bedside lamps with oversized brass and green ones I found at a consignment shop.   Take a look at the before and after bedding and the 'new' light fixtures and let me know what you think.  I'm still on the fence about the lamps and I badly need your input..



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Debra Cass Szidon

Lover of layered neutrals, mixed patterns, contrasting textures and all things botanical. My creative energies pull me in many different directions but I’m most grounded as an interior decorator, handbag designer and mother. Cocoon Home blog is where I share my reflections on family, work and my creative journey.

The Cass Clutch

A Modern Handbag

Designed And Made In California

All content and images are property of Cocoon Home unless otherwise noted. You are welcome to use images from the blog for noncommercial use, but please credit appropriately.

Remodeling and Home Design
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