Life Happens: Precious Times
Looking at photos I recently took of our children, I can clearly see the changes in them. These changes are not just physical. True, the baby fat is no longer there, their faces are elongating, their eyes are more expressive, and their height, well their height is ever changing. What I notice most, however, is the sweet spot they are in right now for us. They're all very engaged within our family, funnier than ever, and still eager to please. Their personalities are coming through and they are becoming comfortable with themselves. These times are precious. I'm confident they will always be as they are now, and their loving, kind, charismatic personalities will be shared with many, but the fact that they still want and need to be with Alex and me, is something we do not take for granted. Precious times, indeed.
Slow Parenting In A Routined World
Summer has officially ended. With the start of school this week, our calendar is quickly filling up with volunteering obligations, after school activities and doctor appointments. While I enjoyed our non-scheduled summer, I must confess experiencing a moment of panic a few days ago. This happened as I was learning all about the amazing camps my children's friends attended this summer. Our children didn't go to any! Granted we did travel up and down the New England coast during July, but for the rest of the summer we stayed pretty local and took each day as it came. We camped out some, hiked some, we ventured into the city some, went swimming some and entertained friends some. Some days we just stayed home and enjoyed being lazy. Granted, my work allows for a flexible schedule, but l still prefer to keep our days as free of routine as I do during the school year. I limit sports and other activities to the degree that the kids don't feel over-scheduled and I am not running/driving around like a harried maniac. At times, I wonder if my "slow it down" approach to parenting is inhibiting my kids' experiences, and whether they are able to keep up socially and physically with the children that are involved in more activities. I guess time will tell.
Managing time and maintaining a feasible routine no matter how many children in one's family, can be challenging and difficult for any parent. How much is too much and how little is too little. I would love to hear how other parents handle the demands of a "routined world".
This could be the beginning of an interesting dialogue, don't you think?
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Debra Cass Szidon
Lover of layered neutrals, mixed patterns, contrasting textures and all things botanical. My creative energies pull me in many different directions but I’m most grounded as an interior decorator, handbag designer and mother. Cocoon Home blog is where I share my reflections on family, work and my creative journey.
All content and images are property of Cocoon Home unless otherwise noted. You are welcome to use images from the blog for noncommercial use, but please credit appropriately.