Food dszidon Food dszidon

Scenes From A Weekend Wedding Celebration

IMG_2642 Over the weekend we had the pleasure of hosting a wedding reception for a couple of dear friends from Cambridge, Ma.  Having already celebrated their marriage on the East Coast and in their respective home countries of Germany and Malaysia, this latest party was for their many West Coast friends.  We were happy to meet new people and to reunite with old friends.  The couple, true culinary enthusiasts, prepared the majority of the food, while the rest contributed some of their favorite dishes.  The meal was delicious and pretty, the company delightful, and the couple radiant!  pears psd


salad psd

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laughing psd

Bodo and Vik, we congratulate you and wish you many happy years together!




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Food, Off The Counter, Uncategorized dszidon Food, Off The Counter, Uncategorized dszidon

Off The Counter: Fried Eggplant Parmesan

This week's Off The Counter features my somewhat famous Eggplant Parmesan.   Preparing this  labor intensive, and, at times messy recipe, is a sure sign that I'm becoming one with our new kitchen.   With a little help from Zoe, lots of seasoned breadcrumbs and a combination of cheeses, our first homemade melanzana dish (ingredients and instructions below) was a huge success.  Take a look at how it came together:

I'm not sure what I enjoyed more, the view from the kitchen or the eggplant extravaganza...


2-3 egglants, 3-4 eggs, 1-1 1/2 cups milk, panko and italian breadcrumbs, canola oil, salt, pepper, tomato sauce, fresh ricotta and mozzarella cheeses, brown paper bags, and a sprig or two of basil.


Peel and slice the eggplants to about 1/4" thickness and salt them.  Beat the eggs and add them to the milk in a flat bowl or pyrex dish.   Combine the bread crumbs in another similar bowl.  Dip the sliced eggplant in the egg/milk mix and then coat it with the breadcrumbs.  Fry to golden brown.  Allow the  fried eggplant to drain the excess oil onto the brown paper bags.  Layer the fried slices with your tomato sauce and the cheeses.   Put in the oven for 10 minutes or so at 200 degrees to blend the flavors.  Enjoy!

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Food dszidon Food dszidon

Sweet Obsession: LIDDABIT SWEETS

My latest obsession is LIDDABIT SWEETS' chocolate-dipped sea salt caramels.  Handmade in Brooklyn, these yummy caramel bits are both chewy and crunchy, striking a perfect balance between sweet and salty treats.  Our son Benjamin's sophisticated taste buds share my love for  LIDDABITS, so we often find a quiet moment to savor them together.  You can find these beautifully package treats locally here.

Do you have a sweet obsession?

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Food, Regional Retail dszidon Food, Regional Retail dszidon

A Nutty Affair


A recent trip to Fastachi in Watertown, MA, reminded me just how much I love that store.  Filled with gourmet nut mixes, artisan chocolates, dried fruits and hard candies it's a snacker's dream.   Fastachi's new logo and packaging make their treats great gifts.  Above, my favorite nut mix and below,  a few goodies I can't wait to share with friends.

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Debra Cass Szidon

Lover of layered neutrals, mixed patterns, contrasting textures and all things botanical. My creative energies pull me in many different directions but I’m most grounded as an interior decorator, handbag designer and mother. Cocoon Home blog is where I share my reflections on family, work and my creative journey.

The Cass Clutch

A Modern Handbag

Designed And Made In California

All content and images are property of Cocoon Home unless otherwise noted. You are welcome to use images from the blog for noncommercial use, but please credit appropriately.

Remodeling and Home Design
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