'Til Monday: Celebrating Past And Future

This week all three children celebrate their birthdays.  Max and Ben are turning 7 and Zoe is embracing 5 as only she can.  As I reflect on how they've grown, I can't help but think of the family and friends that have celebrated their births with us in the past. For the first time since our move we're inviting new acquaintances and quite possibly new friends into our home to celebrate our children. As I sit here on the eve of the festivities I am reminded of the people who know us so well and the uncertainty of those who don't quite as yet, and wish that I could somehow blend them together.

Here's to the past and the future and I am grateful for them both.

Happy Birthday Max, Ben and Zoe!


Just In Time: Glass Top for Coffee Table


A DIY (Sort Of) Navajo Bedspread.