A DIY (Sort Of) Navajo Bedspread.
I knew I wasn't true to myself by using a hand made quit on Zoe's bed, especially after falling in love with the colors and patterns of an H&M shawl. So, I opted to turn three of them into one twin size bedspread. Now, Zoe's bedroom displays a brand new look:
Not being a huge fan of DIY projects and totally incapable of sewing, I commissioned our local dry cleaner to sew the 3 scarfs together (the project would obviously be more cost effective if one is good with a needle and thread). Next week I'll show you how an Alameda Flea Market find, a potted plant and lot of free spirited attitude work to bring our daughter's bedroom together.
Remember to look for room inspirations everywhere and anywhere. They're there for you to borrow, implement and enjoy...