Botanicals debra szidon Botanicals debra szidon

Botanical Inspiration: Fancy Foliage

For this week's Botanical Inspiration, I'm sharing Calathea, a fancy foliage plant.  Having admired my mother-in-law's Calathea for some time now, I decided to buy one for our place.  Its intricate foliage pattern and color makes it a stand out botanical in any space, but one that's not so easy to care for.  If you tend to over water your plants, Calatheas may be a perfect fit for you, but if you're like me and let the plants dry out between waterings, they may not be the botanicals for you.  They require bright indirect light and evenly moist soil.  Even the most attentive plant person may be challenged by this one. Do you own a Calathea?

Calatheas are so pretty, it's absolutely worth it to give them a shot in your home!

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Botanicals debra szidon Botanicals debra szidon

Botanical Inspiration: False Aralia

For this week's Botanical Inspiration I'm introducing the elegant False Aralia plant.  Its jagged edge foliage sprouts in a coppery color, then turns to a  deep, dark green as it matures.  Although the leaves resemble those of a marijuana plant I assure you, the two are not related.  Placed in a brightly lit spot without direct sun light (since this would burn the delicate leaf edges) and with regular watering, the False Aralia will flourish and grow into a large houseplant with several woody stems.  What I like best about this plant is its delicate leaf formation.  Especially when clustered with broad leaf plants, such as the snake plant, it will lend contrast and softness to a botanical grouping.  Take a look:

Remember, plants add life to any space.  I will be happy to suggest the right ones for your home.  

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Botanical Inspiration: House Plants

 I recently placed a cluster of indoor plants in an area of our living room that was lacking something.  Since adding a furniture piece would surely obstruct the view into the garden, we decided to bring the outdoors in by choosing house plants.  Now the interior of the house is contiguous with the exterior of it AND we're benefiting from the purifying effects plants have on us daily.  Take a look:

3 Tips For Creating Your Very Own Plant Cluster:

1.  Choose plants with different characterics but the same cultivating requirements.  For example, the above  is a combination of a shiny broad leaf,  a delicate palmate and colorful oblong leafed plants.

2.  Cluster the plants in odd numbers and varied sizes.

3.  Remember that the pots/planters you choose are as important as the plants.  If you're as obsessive as I am, use the same style and color for all of them.   If not, use can different colors and styles, and even materials.  Let your creativity guide you, remember that baskets and wood vessels make great containers for plants.

If you're contemplating adding botanicals to your space for a bit of ecological drama, Cocoon Home can help you select the perfect plants for it.

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Debra Cass Szidon

Lover of layered neutrals, mixed patterns, contrasting textures and all things botanical. My creative energies pull me in many different directions but I’m most grounded as an interior decorator, handbag designer and mother. Cocoon Home blog is where I share my reflections on family, work and my creative journey.

The Cass Clutch

A Modern Handbag

Designed And Made In California

All content and images are property of Cocoon Home unless otherwise noted. You are welcome to use images from the blog for noncommercial use, but please credit appropriately.

Remodeling and Home Design
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