Botanical Inspiration: Blooming Branches
California's mild climate landscape is overflowing with blooming trees and shrubbery. As you may have predicted, I've been filling our home with different branches in full bloom. It may seem overboard to some, but I just can't resist these beauties. Cherry, Quince and Acacia are perfect targets for my nature scavenging tendencies which clearly can't be tamed. Take a look and learn how and where I found this botanical bounty.
I came across the cherry branches while walking Loki in our neighborhood. A tree was being pruned and I couldn't resist asking for a few of them. Now they sit beautifully on our hearth.
This quince acquisition wasn't so happenstance; I cut them from [what could have been] somebody's driveway. Shhh, please don't tell.
Mimosa happens to be my mother-in-law's favorite blossoming tree. While driving back from Berkeley through Tilden Park with her, we spotted a huge tree in full bloom. I immediately stopped the car and broke off a few branches. No harm done, I call it accidental pruning.
In colder climates, this is the time that most flowering branches can be forced to bloom indoors. Bring a touch of Spring into your home, it will lift your spirits. I guarantee it.
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Debra Cass Szidon
Lover of layered neutrals, mixed patterns, contrasting textures and all things botanical. My creative energies pull me in many different directions but I’m most grounded as an interior decorator, handbag designer and mother. Cocoon Home blog is where I share my reflections on family, work and my creative journey.
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