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Big (Basket) Love

On a recent trip to the San Fransciso Flower Mart I was stopped dead in my tracks by the sight of these huge baskets.  I fell in love with their size, color and  potential functionality and immediately bought two for a design client.  Whether one uses them to keep wood next to a fireplace, to store toys in a den or shoes in a mudroom, big baskets can add texture and interest to any room in a home, from foyer to bathroom.

Below are a few images from my Basket Pinboard that show just how versatile these large woven vessels can be:

Are you a fan of the over-sized baskets?  Where and how would you use these big babies in your place?

images: 1./2./3./4./5.

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Employ, Educate And Empower With Jjangde's Hand Woven Home Goods And Reader Giveaway!

 It's with great pride that I share with you Jjangde, a company that is dedicated to strengthening West African communities by employing women, educating children and empowering rural villagers.  When I was first contacted by the company's co-founder, I was struck by the beauty of the hand woven home goods Jjandge offers but it was their mission statement that REALLY got me.  Today Jjangde launches its new website which explains the history of the company, introduces its artisans and showcases the one-of-a-kind baskets that create opportunity and hope for many in need.

In gratitude for taking the time to learn about the company and its mission,  Jjangde is offering a lovely basket as a gift to one lucky Cocoon Home blog reader.

You can Enter to win by doing 3 simple things:

1.  Check out Jjandge's campaign here.

2. View Jjangde's entire collection of hand woven home goods here.

3. Lastly, comment below on your favorite item(s).

Last entry day is Thursday November 7th.  Good luck!!

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Debra Cass Szidon

Lover of layered neutrals, mixed patterns, contrasting textures and all things botanical. My creative energies pull me in many different directions but I’m most grounded as an interior decorator, handbag designer and mother. Cocoon Home blog is where I share my reflections on family, work and my creative journey.

The Cass Clutch

A Modern Handbag

Designed And Made In California

All content and images are property of Cocoon Home unless otherwise noted. You are welcome to use images from the blog for noncommercial use, but please credit appropriately.

Remodeling and Home Design
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