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And The Winners Are:

I'm excited to announce the winners of last week's home design book giveaway !  They are:

Jessica, winner of "Simple Home"

Carole Sinclair, winner of "Reclaiming Style"


Liz, winner of "The Natural Home"

Congratulations to you all.  Please email your postal addresses to and your books will be on the way!

Many thanks to Ryland Peters & Small for donating the books and to everyone who participated.  I loved reading all your comments.


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Books, Reader Giveaway dszidon Books, Reader Giveaway dszidon

Reader Giveaway: 3 Books***3 Winners

Publisher Ryland Peters & Small is once again participating in a Cocoon Home Blog reader giveaway.  This time  with not just 1, but with 3 beautiful home decor books.  Each one focuses on different approaches to interior design,  but all share a philosophy of personal style.   Take a look at these books and learn how to enter to win one below:

"Reclaiming Style" shares images and ideas on the use of salvaged materials to create an elegant home.

Mark & Sally Bailey, authors of "Simple Home "explore spaces that are both sustainable and stylish.

In "The Natural Home",  author Hans Blomquist shares his love of nature in revealing how organic elements can live in a sophisticated, eleclectic home.

Enter to win one of these books by leaving a comment on which one of them suits your home decorating style best and why.  Be sure to check out Ryland Peters & Small's Facebook page here.

All entries must be submitted by Friday December 15th.  Good luck!

Many thanks to KM at Ryland Peters & Small!



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Old House New Home: Reader Give Away

For today's reader giveaway I asked Natalia Szidon,  Cocoon's founder, mother-in-law and good friend to help me choose a book from publishers Ryland Peters & Small.  Take a look: 

When Debra asked for my help in selecting a book for her next Cocoon Home Design giveaway, I enthusiastically acceded for two reasons.  First of all, I’ve loved books all my life and, for the past decade, particularly the ones published by Ryland Peters & Small, the firm that graciously agreed to donate one for a lucky CHD blog reader.

The book we chose is titled “Old House New Home” by  renown  interiors writer Ros Byam Shaw, with photographs by Christopher Drake.   It is beautifully written and visually compelling.  It’s divided into five, very distinct parts:

Inhabiting, renovating and updating buildings and houses much older than we are can be challenging and costly, but if done well, can also be extremely fulfilling and rewarding.

As the author points out, older homes need not feel like museums, instead they should be reflective of the owners’ lifestyles and tastes, often showcasing stylish juxtapositions of the old with the current.

What I love most about this book is that the author’s respect for history and preservation is combined with an empowering philosophy that restorations need not shun modern concepts or ideas.

Hope you enjoy this book as much as I did.   All of Ryland Peters & Small books on design and architecture are highly recommended for they’re both beautiful AND useful, and you may not know, but a favorite saying of mine is:  “If it’s neither beautiful nor useful, why keep it around?”

For a chance to win a copy of Old House New Home comment below on what you love most about your home and join Ryland Peters & Small's Facebook page here.   All entries must be completed by Tuesday, November 1 at midnight.  Good luck!



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Debra Cass Szidon

Lover of layered neutrals, mixed patterns, contrasting textures and all things botanical. My creative energies pull me in many different directions but I’m most grounded as an interior decorator, handbag designer and mother. Cocoon Home blog is where I share my reflections on family, work and my creative journey.

The Cass Clutch

A Modern Handbag

Designed And Made In California

All content and images are property of Cocoon Home unless otherwise noted. You are welcome to use images from the blog for noncommercial use, but please credit appropriately.

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