Off The Counter dszidon Off The Counter dszidon

Off The Counter: Borrowed Recipes

For the next month or so, I'll have neither a kitchen nor a counter, making my Off The Counter posts a bit  more challenging.  However, I would love to continue featuring them throughout my upcoming travels, so I've decided to search out recipes that fit my culinary profile and share them with you .  This week's borrowed recipe for Watermelon And Feta Salad (pages 30-33),  is from House Of Fifty, a favorite online lifestyle magazine.  Crisp watermelon, lime marinated red onions, feta and spinach make this salad not only a visual treat, but also a refreshingly tasty dish. See ingredients and instructions below:



Watermelon, cucumbers, feta, red onion, lime juice, baby spinach, olive oil, mint leaves, salt and pepper


Thinly slice the red onions, sprinkle them with lime juice and let rest while preparing the rest of the ingredients.  Peel the cucumbers and cube along with the watermelon and feta cheese.  Add all ingredients to a large bowl and mix in the baby spinach.  Add softened red onion slices in lime juice, drizzle all with olive oil, salt and pepper to your liking.  Gently toss and garnish with mint.

See the original recipe and other great summer eats in House Of Fifty 's summer 2012 issue here.

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Debra Cass Szidon

Lover of layered neutrals, mixed patterns, contrasting textures and all things botanical. My creative energies pull me in many different directions but I’m most grounded as an interior decorator, handbag designer and mother. Cocoon Home blog is where I share my reflections on family, work and my creative journey.

The Cass Clutch

A Modern Handbag

Designed And Made In California

All content and images are property of Cocoon Home unless otherwise noted. You are welcome to use images from the blog for noncommercial use, but please credit appropriately.

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