Getting To The Root Of It: Preserving The Summer Garden

With the harvest moon hanging over us, I can't help but contemplate how my garden will cope with lesser light and cooler nights ahead.  In an effort to preserve some favorite summer plants, my son and I cut several Coleus plant stems to root over the winter.  If you live in 'cooler' climates, it's nice to keep vibrant signs of life around when winter settles in.  Some warm weather botanicals can be cut to promote rooting and others can be  brought inside for springtime re-planting.   Take a look at what my son Benjamin and I did this past weekend.

Check your garden to see what you can cut or bring indoors to enjoy during the cooler or amazingly cold (New England) months to come.  Below is a list of plants that can winter over inside your home.  Does your garden have any?

Note:  Plant cuttings are a great project to undertake with your children.  They get to see the roots grow during the winter months with the expectation to plant them when spring arrives.  The circle of life.

Here are a few plants that you can bring indoors during the winter (be sure to check for insects before you do):  Hibiscus, Begonia, Geranium, Abutilon and Hydrangea.



'Til Monday


And The Winner Is: