Off The Counter
Off the counter features my latest food obsession, pistachios. Most often eaten by the handful, now they're added to our salads and roasted veggies. They add color, texture and saltiness to old favs like arugula and cauliflower. Take a look:
Salad ingredients: arugula, zucchini, parmesan cheese, lemon, olive oil & pistachios.
Using a potato peeler, cut the zucchini and parmesan into ribbons. Toss with arugula and pistachios. For the dressing mix use fresh lemon juice and olive oil. Both the parmesan and the pistachios contain salt, but add a pinch of it if needed.
Roasted cauliflower is like eating candy for me lately. There's something so satisfying about it.
Ingredients: cauliflower, capers, lemon, olive oil & pistachios.
Break apart large cauliflower florets and boil them for 5 minutes. Transfer them to a baking sheet and toss with olive oil and salt. Roast at 375 until they're soft but not coming undone. Make sure you broil them for a minute or two to brown the edges. Transfer to a serving bowl and add capers, a squeeze of lemon, a bit more olive oil and the [quite possibly addictive] pistachios.