'Til Monday: A Favorite Day Of The Week

You may think my favorite day of the week is Friday, but it's really not.  It's actually Wednesday.  Wednesday from 3:30 to 4:30pm to be exact.   During that time the boys take their brass lessons and Zoe is in a ceramic's class, all three just steps away from each other AND my favorite area restaurant.  For that hour, while our children are doing something they love, I sit alone with a book and the NYT magazine that I never seem to get to on a Sunday.  Depending on my mood I order either coffee or a beer.  Moments like these are rare in our busy lives.  With three very active children pulling us in different directions, having them all close by at any given time is a feat.  I relish being by myself during that hour, but the moment they all walk into the restaurant after their respective lessons, I'm over the moon with joy to see them.  Having just a moment in time to one's self [doing almost nothing] can be quite invigorating...

Here's to everyone having a favorite day/moment of the week.   What's yours?!


Found Art


7 Beautiful Brass Sconces