The Way We Live: A Haverhill Mansion
While on the East Coast, the children and I had the opportunity to visit a friend whom I met 15 years ago, when Cocoon (the store) first opened in Boston. Having stayed in touch all these years, it was a real treat to finally see his new home. Its grandness took us all for surprise. Filled with a lifetime of memories, this historical house balances New England tradition with a healthy dose of creative flair. As the kids and I toured the house (almost getting lost a few times) we were not only taken by its size, but with number of family furnishings and objects that have remained so dear to its occupants throughout the years. Pairing pieces from their individual pasts with items from their present, created an inviting and eclectic atmosphere. One I just knew had to be a feature in The Way We Live.
Many thanks, MV, for your friendship and for sharing your beautiful home with us.