Yes, Mommy And Daddy, There IS A Santa...

For the past 3 weeks, Alex and I desperately tried to convince our son Benjamin that Santa existed after he learned otherwise from a friend.  We put all our efforts into proving him wrong in order to protect his brother and sister's beliefs [which were still intact].  While doing so we found ourselves overreacting at times, and at others, losing a little sight of what the holiday should be all about.  In the end, however, everything flowed smoothly:  decorating the tree, gift buying and wrapping, menu planning and delighting our children on early Christmas morning.

We're not quite sure if Ben still believes in Santa, but we know that he still relished the magic of it all in his young heart.  I hope everyone had a beautiful holiday, one overflowing with a spirit of peace, kindness and gratitude.  Santa lives in all of us.


A Tribute To 2013


Gifts For The Coffee Enthusiasts