Vertical Gardening On A Folding Screen

Staying true to her love for botanicals inside the home, my mother-in-law transformed an Art Nouveau screen that she found many years ago into a vertical garden.  By using several Woollypocket's living wall planters she created a garden that's not only vertical but 3-dimensional and artsy.  Take a look:

This is the first stage of Natalia's vertical garden, and she would like to thank Alex for its installation.  As the plants thrive and grow, the planters will become invisible and a lush wall of shade loving plants will grace her bedroom.  This project inspired future ones, so stay posted for more of Cocoon Home's botanical designs.

Soon I will reveal more of Natalia's California home on The Way We Live.  Stay tuned for that as well.


'Til Monday: 5 Friday Favorites


Before And After: Painted Ceiling